Truly Awe Inspiring
It's been awhile since I've seen someone use comedy with a straight, serious attitude. Not only does it give me a smile at the minor jokes, but a flowing story emerges from it as well.
Though I'm just curious about all the lens flare. Though it was used masterfully, does an elevator door, closed, inside of a building, give off glare? Guess I'll have to try next time I'm around one, most likely to the annoyance of those around.
All in all, like my English Teachers taught me, it had a nice melody and harmony to it with a few unique pieces that did not counteract any other part of the song. The music seemed less chaotic and more ordered with a full story with it. Orderly chaotic? What I find amusing is that though it still has that "Weebl Effect" where quite a few random objects are thrown together or an amazing song, at first glance it didn't appear random until the twentieth watching.
Maybe the "Weebl Effect" Is in full bloom with this song being completely different from the other songs. What does it matter? Not like anybody is going to read this. ~,~